Understanding change failure rate: Why it matters and how to improve it

Learn how Change Failure Rate (CFR) impacts software development success. Discover strategies to reduce CFR, ensuring efficient deployments and enhanced code quality.

Understanding change failure rate: Why it matters and how to improve it

Change Failure Rate (CFR) is a critical metric measuring the success or failure of implementing software development and deployment process changes. In this blog post, we will jump into the significance of CFR and discuss why it should matter to you. Additionally, we will outline steps to reduce CFR and highlight critical metrics such as DORA metrics. Let's dive deeper into this vital topic.

What is the change failure rate?

Change Failure Rate refers to the proportion of unsuccessful or failed changes in a software deployment process. It quantifies the number of changes that result in degraded service, incidents, or complete failures in a production environment. CFR is an essential indicator of software delivery's reliability, stability, and efficiency. By understanding CFR, organizations can identify areas for improvement and enhance their overall performance.

What is an optimal change failure rate?

Determining an optimal failure rate is straightforward: the ultimate goal is zero failures. However, as much as we strive to eliminate those bothersome bugs, they can creep in. According to insights from DORA, teams operating at elite and high-performance levels tend to maintain failure rates within the range of 0% to 15%.

This range is the performance benchmark, the standard against which teams should gauge themselves. Teams must establish robust incident response protocols to meet this standard consistently. Upholding these standards relies heavily on the team's commitment to meticulous code review practices.

When a team's failure rate surpasses the 15% threshold, it suggests there may be issues with the testing process that must be addressed. High failure rates can result from inadequate or improperly conducted testing, leading to extended troubleshooting and rectification periods. This, in turn, can result in prolonged system downtime, ultimately hampering overall productivity. In such instances, reviewing and optimizing existing processes and identifying effective remedies meticulously becomes imperative. High-performing teams can resolve numerous issues swiftly, often within a single day, thereby minimizing downtime and maintaining consistent productivity levels.

Measuring the change failure rate

To gauge the Change Failure Rate accurately, you can employ a straightforward calculation: divide the cumulative count of failed deployments by the overall count of deployments.

Consider a practical illustration for a more comprehensive understanding: Imagine your team undertakes ten deployments within a single day. Out of this total, two deployments encountered failures. Applying the calculation, the resulting change failure rate stands at 20%. Practically, this signifies that 20% of the executed code changes must be rectified or rolled back for correction. This measurement is valuable for assessing your deployment process's effectiveness and identifying improvement areas.

Moreover, as organizations analyze these metrics, insights can be gleaned to optimize development practices, bolster code quality, and ultimately enhance the software deployment journey.

Top Benefits of reducing change failure rate

Understanding the positive impact of reducing the Change Failure Rate (CFR) is pivotal for enhancing software development processes and achieving organizational goals. Explore the numerous benefits that stem from effectively managing CFR:

1. Enhanced business continuity:

Reducing the Change Failure Rate significantly contributes to improved business continuity. High CFR can disrupt operations, compromise customer satisfaction, and lead to financial setbacks. Organizations ensure consistent service delivery, customer trust, and brand reputation by minimizing failures and securing long-term success.

2. Accelerated time-to-market:

Lowering the Change Failure Rate directly correlates with a faster time-to-market. This agility in deploying new features and enhancements grants a competitive edge in swiftly evolving markets. Streamlining software delivery processes leads to quicker iterations, enabling organizations to meet customer demands promptly and maintain a competitive advantage.

3. Incident reduction and stability:

Efficient CFR management reduces the likelihood of incidents in production environments. Lower CFR indicates a well-tested, stable software deployment process, diminishing unexpected errors and system failures. This maintains system stability, minimizes downtime, and frees IT teams from firefighting issues, enabling them to focus on innovation and strategic initiatives.

4. Cost savings and resource optimization:

Reducing the Change Failure Rate leads to substantial cost savings. High CFR incurs expenses due to downtime, emergency fixes, and additional resources required to address issues. Organizations can allocate resources more efficiently, reduce operational costs, and invest in growth-driving initiatives, optimizing resource allocation for better outcomes.

5. Improved team morale and productivity:

Lowering CFR positively impacts team morale and productivity. Constantly managing failed changes can demotivate software development teams. Conversely, successful deployments bolster team confidence, fostering a positive work environment. Improved morale increases creativity, collaboration, and productivity, ultimately benefiting the organization.

Organizations can elevate their software development processes by recognizing and capitalizing on the benefits of reducing the Change Failure Rate. Investing in techniques, tools, and cultural shifts that minimize CFR empowers businesses to maintain continuity, expedite time-to-market, enhance code quality, reduce incidents, and optimize resources. A proactive approach to CFR management is vital for achieving operational excellence and delivering superior software that aligns with customer expectations.

Steps to improve change failure rate

To improve your change failure rate, consider the following steps and checklist:

1. Establish baseline metrics:

Measure and track key metrics such as deployment frequency, lead time, mean time to recovery, and failed changes. These metrics provide insights into your current performance and serve as a foundation for improvement.

2. Implement DevOps practices:

Embrace collaboration between development and operations teams, automate testing, and adopt continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. These practices promote agility, efficiency, and reliability in the software development lifecycle.

3. Prioritize code quality:

Conduct regular code reviews, implement automated testing frameworks, and enforce best practices to ensure a high-quality codebase. Code quality directly impacts Change Failure Rate, as well-maintained code reduces the likelihood of failures during deployments.

4. Monitor and Analyze:

Regularly evaluate your software delivery process. Identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. Implement monitoring and logging solutions to gain insights into the performance and stability of your software.

5. Measure progress

Continuously track changes in Change Failure Rate, deployment failures, incidents, and other relevant metrics to gauge improvement. You can use these metrics to assess the effectiveness of your initiatives and adjust your strategies accordingly.

By following these steps and checklist, you can actively work towards reducing your Change Failure Rate, enhancing your software delivery processes, and reaping the benefits of smoother deployments, faster time-to-market, improved code quality, and heightened customer satisfaction.

6. Cultivate a learning culture:

Encourage learning from failures, promote blameless postmortems, and foster a culture of continuous improvement within engineering teams. Encourage knowledge sharing, collaboration, and experimentation to drive innovation and reduce the Change Failure Rate.


Understanding and addressing the change failure rate is crucial for modern software development teams. Implementing best practices and measuring relevant metrics can significantly reduce the Change Failure Rate, enhance code quality, and ensure smoother deployments.

That's where DevDynamics comes in. Our extensive knowledge and advanced tools work smoothly with your software development process, helping improve your Change Failure Rate. With our unwavering support, you're poised to experience accelerated deployment cycles, elevated code quality, and a remarkable reduction in failure occurrences, culminating in a more efficient and robust software development process.

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